What makes chocolate so toxic to pets?

Chocolate is delicious for many people, but unfortunately it contains ingredients that pets can't stand. These ingredients, theobromine and caffeine, are the highest in dark chocolate or bread chocolate.

This means there isn't a "safe" amount of chocolate for your pet. Even the white chocolate with the lowest content of theobromine contains a lot of fat and sugar, which can cause pancreatitis and also cause obesity.

Pet-approved "chocolate" snacks that contain carotene can be purchased and are a better way to give your pet some indulgentness.

So, what can the vet do if my pet eats chocolate?

Your vet can assess how much chocolate your pet may have eaten, as well as the risks. Treatment depends on the amount eaten and how long ago it has been eaten.

If your pet goes to the clinic, your veterinarian can provide supportive care to help stabilize your pet and promote the excretion of theobromine. If the intake is fresh enough, the dog may be induced to vomit, or given liquid activated carbon to reduce intestinal absorption of blood. Supportive care usually involves giving the pet a drip and hospitalization and monitoring it with the care of a veterinarian team. In severe cases, heart and epilepsy drugs can be used, but thankfully, this level of toxicity is rare. Unfortunately, there is no “cure” method, your pet can only be controlled before the toxin leaves the body.

With a wealth of food and toys, there are many ways to condone them without giving them a chocolate. However, accidents do occur, especially when there is a large amount of chocolate at home during the year, and the local veterinarian team can provide support, advice and care.