How to prevent the separation anxiety of dogs?

As a pet parent, your goal is to find the best soothing anxiety treatment for your pet. The treatment of dog separation anxiety does not require professional medical staff, you can achieve success through perseverance and dedication. Dog anxiety treatment includes behavioral changes that will help your puppy learn to be alone and not terrible. Below is a list of 10 dog sedation therapies:

1. Change your "leaving" signal

Change the door and put on the jacket, but don't leave for 15 minutes and put the keys/wallets/shoes in different places. The goal is to break your dog's connection, and these behaviors are with your departure, rather than letting them trigger separation anxiety. When you are away, give your dog a treat or toy to play with to distract them. Dog sedation can be used as a short-term treatment for the separation of anxiety disorders. They will also teach your dog to be alone and not terrible, and have a positive connection with your departure.

2. Understatement and greetings

Don't be excited when you leave the dog, don't be overly excited when you come back. If you pay too much attention to your departure and return, you may aggravate the dog's fear of leaving you. Say goodbye and then leave. When you come back, say hello quietly until your dog calms down, don't be too affectionate.

3. Exercise your dog before you leave

The tired dog is a calm dog. At least 30 minutes of exercise before departure will let your dog relax and turn his attention to food and sleep.

4. Train your dog to be alone at home

Tell your dog to stay in the room and go to another place in the house. If your dog has severe separation anxiety, start with a 5-10 second interval and work for up to 20-30 minutes for weeks. 

5. Create personal space for your dog

Don't sleep with your puppy, give them a separate dog bed, where you can caress them and give them some calm treatment. This will teach your dog to enjoy their space, independent of you, which will help alleviate their anxiety when you leave.

6. Keep comfort and background music for your dog

Things that smell like you, such as dirty clothes, can help your dog relax and remember that you will be back. If your dog doesn't like it, remove some stress factors such as chokes, collars, chains or crates. Hide food around the house so they can hunt them when you are away. Finally, soothing natural sounds can help your dog relax and fall asleep.

7. Don't let your dog stay too long!

Your dog can learn to be alone for part of the day, but if you need to leave more than 6-8 hours, take them to work if possible. You can also arrange your errands so that you only have to leave for a short time. If you need to leave for a few days, please ask a friend or relative, or consider providing a dog day care service or hotel to ensure that they are taken care of when you leave.

8. Medicine

To treat severe separation anxiety in dogs, consider taking a sedative. Contact your veterinarian to discuss your choice.

9. Purchase anxiety treatment pet supplies

Find an empty toy and let your puppy work for you to entertain your puppy. A dog-wrapped jacket can also help your puppy relieve anxiety through constant gentle pressure.