Guide to raising a dog when working full time

It is difficult to raise a puppy at work, but this can be done.

Puppies have different needs depending on their age. After a few weeks of nervousness, everything calmed down. The combination of plans, friends and paid help will definitely give you great support. The good news is that, with early efforts, you will have an adult dog that settles down and can handle it well when you work.

Leave the puppy alone at home

Working full time means having a puppy stay alone at home. In fact, yes. Puppies are often a mistake in your company. This will make them overly dependent on people. This means they won't learn the skills of being alone.

So leaving a puppy is not cruel, but... How long can you leave a puppy alone?

The limiting factor is how long the puppy can keep the bladder. For this, there is a simple equation. Use a few months to calculate the age of the puppy and add one more. This is the number of hours they can hold the bladder. For example, a two-month-old puppy can hold up to three hours. A four-month-old puppy can raise five hours. This equation reached levels around 6-7 months, and no dog could comfortably maintain urine for more than 8 hours.

In practice, having a puppy stay alone at home means you need to give it some comfortable rest at the right time. Excluding a comfortable rest means risking the dog to be confused about the potty training, resulting in an untrained dog. Therefore, letting a puppy stay alone for 8 hours is not good for any four-legged person, regardless of age. Although technically speaking, a young adult dog can persist for so long, the puppy needs frequent rest in the toilet, plus the stimulation of the companion.

This raises a question: How do you deal with dogs at work?

The answer is to ask for help. Remember, this stage is not forever, and these difficult moments have indeed passed.