Check out our top ten cat facts

No two cats are the same, but understanding the biology and behavior of cats can help you better understand your pet.

1. Cats have highly developed senses. Cats can detect higher frequency sounds than dogs or humans. They have an perfect sense of smell, and they are clearer than we are in dark and dim light!

2. The cat is a professional hunter. Cats hunt alone - in the wild they spend 6-8 hours a day hunting. They can hear the high frequencies used by small rodents, and their beards or "Vibrio" are highly sensitive to vibrations, helping them to find prey.

3. The cat is very agile. Cats have powerful, tightly controlled muscles and quick reactions that make them move quickly and elegantly. They are good at running, jumping, climbing and stealing prey.

4. Cats use a range of methods to communicate. Acoustic sounds include snoring, snoring, vibrato, snoring, roaring, whipping, and snoring. They also use different body postures and visual markers (such as scratches or fecal deposits) for visual communication.

5. The cat is independent. For cats, survival is a lonely thing; they are self-reliant in food, shelter, beauty and territorial defense. They can socialize but are more willing to choose their own companions.

6. The cat is the territory. The cat's territory is a protected area that can be attacked by other cats if needed. They use a range of methods to mark their territory, including scratching, spraying urine and depositing feces. Help you protect your cat from safety outside.

7. Cats are carnivores. Meat is an important part of the cat's diet. Eating meat is very important for cats; without nutrition in animal-derived substances, cats cannot survive.

8. Cats like cats to fight! Domestic cats sleep 12-18 hours a day! Sleep can replenish energy resources, so it is essential for a predator who needs to be ready to hunt prey.

9. The cat is very fun. Cats are smart and need mental and physical stimulation. The game is important because it improves athletic skills, provides brain training, and encourages social behavior. Let your cat play with our range of fun toys.

10. Cats are clean animals. A small frosted hook in the center of the cat's tongue helps them effectively groom themselves. Combs keep the cat's fur in good condition and help remove fleas and other parasites. Read more about keeping your cat in top shape.