How to add vitamins to your dog

People usually take vitamins and supplements. In recent years, the number of people who supply vitamins to pets has also increased. But is this really necessary? Is it safe to give your dog vitamins? Nearly one-third of American dog owners provide their dogs with vitamins, mainly for joint pain, arthritis, multivitamins and supplements that enhance dog skin. So, with this in mind, let's explore this topic in more depth.

Does your dog have enough vitamins?

Many dog food labels claim to be complete and balanced, even though they often get a comprehensive combination of vitamins. This will eventually cause more harm than benefit, as many dogs try to absorb them. However, there are some dog tags that do offer real vitamin dogs that are from whole food. Buying these bottled vitamins for your dog can be very convenient because they are healthier than using synthetic vitamins.

But there are better options. Herbs are one of nature's gifts and can provide your dog with some much-needed vitamins to supplement their diet.

Herbs are the key to dog vitamins.

Herbs have some important benefits for your dog because they provide basic vitamins, no matter how they are prepared. In addition, herbs help your dog's immune system because they contain a lot of carbohydrates, protein and fat, and they have all the ingredients for a healthy diet.

Herbal selection

If you decide to use herbs as a source of vitamins for your dog, let's see what options you have. Herbs can be used every day and you can change them at any time.

1) Kelp

Kelp is a marine plant that is nutritious. It contains important trace minerals, of course, there are more than 7 of the 13 essential vitamins. In addition to amino acids and magnesium, kelp also contains vitamins K, B1 and B2, as well as vitamins C, E and D. The kelp is also high in iron, which strengthens the blood and helps the heart pump blood. It also helps the digestive system, improves the dog's fur, reduces dryness and reduces skin itching. Most importantly, your dog's glands can also help, and iodine in the kelp helps the natural processes of the adrenal gland, thyroid gland, and pituitary gland. It can even help your dog's general brain function, and its alginic acid can help fight radiation effects. The recommended amount per day is one-quarter teaspoon per 10 pounds.

2) Stinging nettle

Stinging nettle is a good resource for providing vitamins to your dog. Castor has a particularly high vitamin A content and is also rich in potassium, calcium and iron. Another benefit is that ramie helps your dog absorb vitamins and minerals naturally. Castor has many medicinal properties because it helps indigestion. Dogs with joint pain can also benefit from castor, as well as those with liver or kidney problems. Seasonal allergies are another problem that ramie may help solve. Of course, ramie also helps to reduce allergies.

It's easy to find in most stores, and you can even collect some of it from nature, as long as you know that castor is naturally grown by itself. Mix the nettle with your dog food; about half a teaspoon per pound of food.

3) Dandelion

Dandelion is a very useful vitamin resource and one of the best sources of vitamin A, second only to the liver. It also contains a large amount of beta-carotene. Dandelion is rich in multivitamins and also contains vitamins A, D, C, B and K. Like other herbs, dandelion also contains large amounts of potassium, calcium and iron. It is rich in protein, is one of the cornerstones of nutrition, and contains a lot of fiber that can help your dog's digestive system.

All parts of dandelion can be used. Roots are good for the liver because it contains detergent. In addition, leaves can help digestion and constipation. Vitamins in dandelion also improve kidney function because it is a filtration system that removes and replaces potassium. Dandelions grow almost anywhere, so you should find them easily.

The recommended amount per day is usually one-third of every 20 pounds of body weight, and you can drink it three times a day if you wish. Sprinkle on your dog's food. You can even make tea with 8 ounces of tea per 8 ounces of water.

4) Burdock root

Burdock root is a common weed that is very beneficial to the dog's overall diet. Burdock roots, which contain large amounts of insulin and carbohydrates, also provide your dog with a lot of iron, thiamine and sodium. Burdock can be very helpful in improving your dog's blood work because many minerals and vitamins help the liver function, in turn, to cleanse the blood. The digestive system can also benefit because both bile secretion and the juice used for digestion are improved, resulting in a higher rate of absorption of toxins by the body. The dog's fur and skin can also be enhanced by the burdock root.

There are calves in many places and it is easy to grow. You can stew the sirloin and add the sirloin with the rest of the dog food. When introducing your dog to new foods for the first time, be sure to minimize them so as not to affect their digestive system.

In conclusion

Whenever you are unsure about your dog's vitamins, it is best to consult your local veterinarian. Veterinarians will know what is the correct course of action, especially if they have detailed medical records of your dog. Although vitamins may not be a magical treatment, they can greatly improve and extend the life of your dog.