How could I improve the bond with my dog

Whether your pet is a puppy or an adult dog, every activity you share will build and strengthen your connection.

  • Caress, pats, gently combs everything comfortably, please your dog.
  • The right game allows you to share the natural fun of your dog in sports and games.
  • Spending time on agility training and obedience can enhance your relationship while giving your dog confidence in successfully completing tasks and gaining your approval and occasional hospitality.
  • Make sure the treatment does not exceed the dog's attention range, and they always end with an upward note, the dog successfully completes an order and wins the praise.

Dogs can understand and learn from the consequences of their actions. By rewarding, rewarding, and honestly rewarding good behavior, you strengthen your behavior and connections and contribute to your dog's self-confidence and position in the family structure. If the dog's behavior is unacceptable, express it in a firm, negative tone. Intimidation, cruelty, or any attempt to harm or harm your dog will betray his trust, destroy your relationship with him, and may cause him to be afraid.

The dog came to us with a natural sense of order and was willing to admit that human beings are the best dogs. In response, we need to strengthen our position through self-confidence and consistent leadership and guidance. Understanding your dog's worldview and becoming a committed and consistent leader will allow it to fully exploit its canine potential and allow you to continue to develop relationships.


Establishing contact with a puppy is the easiest and most natural. Leaving the mother's authority around 8 weeks (removing the cub from the cubs 6 weeks ago means that the cubs miss an important part of the "crib" experience and may always be difficult to connect with other dogs) The vulnerable pups are willing to see their human beings as leaders. You reinforce this natural tendency by calm, patient, sustained attention and adapting the puppy to a new lifestyle. Puppies are eager to trust and connect and will respond positively to your care.

  • Provide him with a safe shelter (such as crates), which is proof of quiet and puppy.
  • Building his confidence with clear expectations and gentle treatment. Puppies are vulnerable to threats, so be careful when training.
  • When discipline requires it, a firm "no" is usually enough.

Adult dog

It may take longer to establish contact with an adult dog, especially if he comes from a troublesome past, but it is worth the effort. If possible, learn as much as possible about the early life of adult dogs so that you can avoid inadvertently repeating any hassles or horrible experiences.
  • Maintain your leadership in a non-confrontational way.
  • Be clear and firm in your expectations, be patient.