7 important pet fire safety tips you must know

You will never think that your pet is a arsonist. However, according to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), household pets cause more than 1,000 home fires each year in the United States.

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Cat thyroid tumor surgery

Do you know that the cat's thyroid function is hyperactive? Also known as hyperthyroidism, this is a fairly common condition in older cats. In fact, the vast majority of infected cats are over 10 years old. In most cases, the cause is benign thyroid tumor or benign enlargement.

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Will dogs and cats have allergies

Although many people are allergic to pets, the pet's immune system also disables them. Just like people, when the immune system of dogs and cats begins to recognize that certain everyday substances (or allergens) are dangerous, they all have allergies. Dogs like to scratch or chew, but if your puppy does this too much, they may get allergic.

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Will the dog dream?

Whether the dog's dream is scientifically uncertain, but it is hard to imagine that they have no dreams. We have all observed that our dogs exhibit behavior similar to being fully awake during sleep. The strokes of the legs, wailing, roaring, shaking the tail, chewing the chin and twitching the nose inspired us to know that our dog was dreaming.

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Top 10 signs that your dog may be sick and what can you do

Just like people, the health of a dog changes with age. Unfortunately, our pets are much older than us.

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Should pet eat raw food?

Please remember to consult your veterinarian before making any major changes to your pet's diet.

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5 things you have to know about your cats

By following these basic tips, you can help your four-legged cat friend stay healthy

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How to protect your pets from fleas?

Fleas are small parasites that like to feed on the blood of dogs or other animals, including human blood! This bite usually causes pets to catch and can cause irritation and allergies. If fleas form on your dog, it can cause more serious health problems and eventually you may get infected in your house.

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What exactly is a microchip and why rabbit really needs it

The microchip is a small electronic device of a meter size. Through rapid injection, the microchip is inserted under the skin of the rabbit between the shoulder blades. Once inserted, the rabbit can't feel the microchip and the special capsules around it, which means it won't break down - the microchip is designed to keep your pet alive.

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How to Protect My Dog from Heart Disease and Give My Dog a Heart Test?

Heartworm disease is caused by mosquito-borne parasites. If left untreated, it can be a debilitating disease that sometimes proves to be fatal.

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10 tips you want to know about your cats

Cats become passionate, naughty pets and thrive when they take care of their diet, environment, health and well-being needs. Cats need to have space for activities and regular interaction with people and other animals (cats don't like to be alone for a long time during the day). They also need access to clean water, meat-based cat food and regular grooming, as well as private access to a trash tray, ideally every week.

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