5 reasons to test your dog's diabetes

Do you know that some authorities believe that 1 out of every 100 12-year-old dogs will have diabetes?

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Choose a veterinary hospital for your exotic pets: 5 basic questions

Every few weeks, I get a call from a desperate foreign pet owner at a foreign pet hospital in New York, where he seeks advice about their sick pets somewhere far away. Although there are some good resources on the Internet that can lead people to find good local veterinarians, these veterinarians can treat exotic species well, but for some people in remote areas, it is difficult to find a foreign pet veterinarian. What is the most important thing when you are looking for an exotic pet veterinarian?

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How do you take care of a kitten?

Daily cat care includes feeding, proper hygiene, adequate beauty and maintaining a proper environment. Vaccination needs to be considered early, and sterilization and deworming also need to be considered early. Socialization and small box training also need to be considered. Of course, finding veterinarians and organizing pet insurance is also important to the health and well-being of pets. The kitten will thrive in a spacious, non-hazardous environment with plenty of seating areas, hideouts and climbing.

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Common cat behaviors and what they mean

Have you ever been sitting at home, looking at your cat, thinking: "What might they want to tell me?" or "Why are they doing this?"

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How to add vitamins to your dog

People usually take vitamins and supplements. In recent years, the number of people who supply vitamins to pets has also increased. But is this really necessary? Is it safe to give your dog vitamins?

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Why is my doggie whining?

Dogs are our companions for thousands of years. From an evolutionary perspective, dogs have adapted to understand human gestures and specific phrases. Sometimes they speak with different tones and rhythms so that we can better understand their needs.

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Could dogs live outside in all seasons?

The dog in the backyard soon became a thing of the past. A few decades ago, it was common for dogs to live outside the suburbs and urban courtyards. But as we continue to develop knowledge about canines, we have learned that 24 hours of sleep is not harmful to the health of dogs.​

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Could every dog swim?

Dogs are born with strong natural instincts, including barking, burrowing, and being completely cute to humans. Some people also think that swimming is a natural skill for all dogs. Why do they call it "dog paddling" unless this is something that all canines can do?

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How could I improve the bond with my dog

Whether your pet is a puppy or an adult dog, every activity you share will build and strengthen your connection.

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How to pamper your dog

"People's best friend" is the reason for a cliché - for many of us, our dog companions are more than just pets; they are very important members of our family. More people wait longer for children (if we choose to have children), so we usually have more time, energy and resources to pamper our pets than ever before.

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10 tips for cleaning cat urine elegantly

Cats bypass their bins and there are many reasons for urinating elsewhere in the house. If your cat is sick, has behavioral problems, gets used to a new pet or child, or protests against a dirty litter box, then she might choose to use your plush carpet or your new lounge lounge as her The place of business.

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